Back in March, I wrote about the nonsense that goes into the NFL creating and releasing its schedule.   Then in March, I continued my tirade. I just wanted to write a quick post today to follow up, and emphasize my point, since I saw the NHL released its schedule today. That’s right.  Less than two weeks after watching the Penguins win the Stanley Cup, the NHL is already back at work, releasing its schedule.   That’s 82 games per team x 31 teams…a huge and complex number of games, including working in a new expansion team and an odd number of teams.   ALLRead More →

There’s an interesting story out of Michigan about an anonymous donor who spent more than half a million dollars of his own money to send the entire Michigan Football team to Rome, Italy.   Is there any doubt that it was Stephen Ross?  We all know that Michigan is his favorite sports team, so it would not surprise me one bit. Speaking of Ross, his RISE initiative won some kind of award for trying to fight racism in sports.  Because every Dolphin fan in the world will be happy with a 4-12 team every year, as long as the locker room is filled with butterfliesRead More →

Man, and you thought MAY was a slow month for football. Just to give us another column to comment on, I’m writing here with a few tidbits to get us discussing things. First of all, the Miami Herald today had an interesting interview with Offensive Coordinator Clyde Christiansen.   What I zoned in on was Clyde and Adam Gase disagreeing on TD celebrations.   Clyde said he has an old-fashioned point of view (like me), but Adam Gase is far more lax.  Clyde is concerned about the penalties, but Gase apparently says “Who cares.   Let them celebrate.  Let them get a penalty.   We’ll makeRead More →