Over the past few weeks, veteran receiver Greg Jennings has come out more than once with a less-than-glowing assessment of Ryan Tannehill.    Jennings is among the first we’ve ever heard from who publicly states that Tannehill might not have what it takes. (We’re used to hearing rumors about this kind of thing, but never yet has a player just come right out and said it….although Miko Grimes certainly said it!) Jennings’ biggest criticism was that Tannehill doesn’t seem to have the smarts to make the right audibles.  Although in T-hill’s defense, we don’t know what permissions he had to call what.  Jennings said thatRead More →

It looks like Texas A&M will be hiring former Dolphins offensive line coach Jim Turner to run its offensive line.   This is good news for A&M and for Coach Turner, who got a raw deal and was railroaded out of town because of that crybaby Judas, Jonathan Martin. As Dolphins Truth has mentioned before, we encourage all Dolfans to read Coach Turner’s reply to the Wells Report here:  http://thesportsesquires.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/turner-response_r.pdf When Patriot owner Robert Kraft received his Wells report, he fought it all the way to the courts.   He stuck up for his men. When Dolphin owner Stephen Ross received his Wells report, heRead More →

Man, what a boring week. But it could be worse.    Last year at this time, there was no Dolphins news either…but we already knew we were doomed because Stephen Ross had given Joe Philbin the reigns for another year.  This year, at least, we have some hope in Adam Gase. I’m not a huge fan of the Gase hiring, but we can at least give him a chance.   Last year at this time, we all knew we had no chance.   The fans knew it.  The players knew it.   Only Ross and Philbin didn’t know it. So this year is infinitely better,Read More →