It’s probably a little too late, but the Dolphins owed this to Brady Quinn.

Scam Cameron certainly owed him.

It’s not a terrible move.  Pat Devlin just was not an NFL-caliber quarterback.  Quinn is.  Or was.  Or at least might be.   A maybe is better than a not.

Quinn does have experience.  He’s never played for a decent team, and especially not for a decent offense.

In any case, I can’t see anyone replacing Matt Moore as the #2 QB.  Quinn can step in and be #3 emergency QB.  Seth Whatever-his-name-was can continue to get shelled in pre-season games and remain on the taxi squad.


  1. Honestly before I learned that Pat Devlin was cut I was worried Quinn was coming in to take Matt Moore’s spot to clear up some cap space. Glad thats not the case. Save for the embarrassing fumble inside the 10 yard line ( a scene all too familiar to any phins fan) I thought Seth did a fairly decent job mostly. Though you could definitely tell he was rough around the edges and no where near roster quality. As far as Devlin is concerned , Ive read he was brought on the team because of his ties with Sherman and Philbin. Though I could be wrong about that. Im glad to see the buddy network style fading fast. A lackluster team that disregards quality in favor of quid pro quo relationships is very demoralizing to this fan. Finally, the narrative of Quinns journey to Miami is interesting and could have meaning . A place he should have perhaps been all along. Im wishing him and the Phins all the best.

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