Not sure if it’s good news or bad news, but he’s back. The NFL thumbed its noce at the Dolphins and Stephen Ross by waiting until the last possible day to announce this.   Literally, the NFL made us go through the draft, and free agency, and the beginning of camp today, before finally letting us know.   Thanks a lot. Anyway, I am curious to know your guys’ opinions on Dion the potential player, Dion the person (the drug use; apparently is was ecstasy and not steroids), and how he should be handled in games.  Or cut? Let us know…Read More →

As many of you know, the NFL has not officially determined if Dion Jordan is allowed to play this year. While he was suspended for a year and served that year, apparently the NFL still has to clear him.    Like a prisoner who is sentenced to a year and then serves his year, the judge can then keep him and his family in suspense and may decide to change his mind.   Okay, that last part was sarcastic; it’s based on the absurdly inconsistent guidelines the NFL has toward punishments. The thing that bothers me most is that the Dolphins don’t seem to care.Read More →

A Seahawks blog is already predicting that Seattle will beat the Dolphins in Week 1, and I really can’t argue with it. The Hawks are an elite team, facing the ever-changing, never-gelling Miami Dolphins.   It could be a bloodbath.  On opening day, every one of our offensive lineman will have someone next to him who he never played with before.  Meanwhile, Seattle’s fearsome defense has been together and knows all there is to know.   It’s gonna be ugly. Welcome to the NFL Mr. Laremy Pothead Tunsil. Except for the Super Bowl when Pete Carroll handed a free victory to New England, Russell WilsonRead More →

The Dolphins’ backfield just got a little more crowded heading into training camp, with the addition of Houston Texan Arian Foster. Foster gets hurt more often than Knowshon Moreno ever did, so let’s home he has a productive year.  It’s only a one-year deal, and it must have come cheap, because no one else wanted Foster. If Ajayi and the rookies do well in camp, it might turn out that Foster is a just a guy to use up minutes in the pre-season, when we don’t want our real RBs to get injured in the second half of those meaningless games while running behind 5thRead More →

I guess no news is good news. Dion Jordan didn’t get re-re-re-suspended.  The team didn’t announce any London “home” games or similar stupidity.  No one was indicted.    No one’s wife mouthed off. It’s good news for the Dolphins when we hear nothing about them.  Even from us at Dolphins Truth. So as we get ready for full training camp, here are a few of our thoughts overt the past few months, The funniest thing I’ve been reading is how the Dolphins are gonna have an attacking defense, and the offense  has a new system that will make it more fast-paced.   Neither of thoseRead More →