For the second week in a row, The Dolphins snatched a defeat out of the mouth of a victory. Again, for the second week in row, there were many culprits. Tua had 3 fumbles. Jalen Ramsey had seemingly 57 different unblocked blitzes straight at Kyler Murray, and didn’t even touch him once. Not once. The defense faltered when we needed them most. David Long had worst game of any defender I’ve ever seen in my life. It was truly that bad. We’ve all watch the NFL our whole lives, and I can’t recall a worse game. Mike McDaniel, again, blew too many calls to name.Read More →

Yes, I had to look up the spelling! If you haven’t seen it, I recommend that you check out Tua’s Monday press conference when he announced his return. Tua was angry. It made me angry. Because I was right. Tua confirmed the one thing I’ve been saying ever since the night he got hurt. I hate being right in many cases concerning the Dolphins, and this is one of them. Tua was fine the very next day after his injury. He immediately went into the NFL-mandated concussion protocol and Tua himself confirmed that he was healthy enough to play. He passed the tests. The DolphinsRead More →

I’m not even sure where to begin, so I’ll start at the top. Mike McDaniel had an enormous role in this loss. Sometimes, you have to look at the detailed nuances of a mistake to see its gravity. Here is one such case. So forgive me as I go into the excrutiating detail here: With the Colts leading by 3 late in the game and facing a 4th and goal from around our 5 yardline, Indy made it look like they were going for it, but then backed away and ran their kicker onto the field. With all the Colts running back and forth, theyRead More →

I hate bye weeks. It’s just a way for the NFL to milk an extra week of ad revenue and turn 17 weeks into 18. I was bored to death last weekend without my Dolphins. Up next is the Colts. Tyler Huntley will enter his third game as starter, with a 1-1 record that could very easily have been 0-2. In fairness, it could have been 2-0 also, but somehow we’ve lost a prime time home game TWO YEARS IN A ROW to one of the worst teams in the league, the lowly 1-4 Titans. Huntley has been with us a month now, and everyRead More →