The new CBA is in the hands of the players now to vote on, and several prominent multi-millionaires (Ooops, I mean players) are balking at it. Vocal multi-millionaires such as Maurkice Pouncey, JJ Watt, and Russell Wilson are against it. There are two main changes.  First, the season would be 17 games long (4 or 5 games if you’re JJ Watt, who always gets hurt).  Second, the playoffs would have 14 teams instead of twelve.  Only the TOP seed (not top 2) in each conference would get a first-round bye.   I’m not opposed to either of those provisions, although I prefer to keep the seasonRead More →

As you all probably have seen the last few weeks, there is no news anywhere in the football world.   (Except maybe that the XFL started again, but the rules are so ridiculous, I lost interest after 20 minutes. The local reporters have told us for two years that the Dolphins are taking Tua.   But now they’re switching to a variety of alternatives to cover themselves for the inevitable if/when Miami picks someone else.   All of a sudden now–out of the blue and with no truth–they’re saying that the Phins love Justin Herbert the most now.  It went from Tua to Burrow to Herbert in theRead More →

The danger of winning some truly meaningless games in December is unfolding before us.   The San Diego Chargers need a quarterback.   They pick AFTER the Dolphins, but they could easily trade up and move ahead of us.  If they want Tua, the possibility is there.  If the Dolphins value Justin Herbert more, then it’s not a big deal.  Let the Chargers THINK we want Tua in order to force them to trade, and then pick Herbert anyway. Sweet! It’s really intriguing how this will play out.  The Dolphins had some good drafts lately under Chris Grier, and we need one more.  Christian WilkinsRead More →

The NFL announced that the Jaguars will play not one, BUT TWO, “home” games in Europe this season.  Owner Shahid Khan is even worse than Ross. Much like Ross, Khan feels that he is in the entertainment business.   In addition to fielding an uncompetitive NFL team, Khan also owns a pro wrestling company.  He just tosses money around wherever he feels like, instead of focusing his passion on his NFL team.  Sound familiar? Now for the bad news.   Very bad: This would be laughable, except for a possibility that I think will occur and you heard it here first…I think the Dolphins will now have toRead More →

Just some thoughts here in no particular order. I think being the host of the Super Bowl was Stephen Ross’s dream.  He poured sooooooo much heart and soul and his own money into making yesterday’s spectacle a grand entertainment showcase.   Unfortunately, it shows how off-base his aims are.  If only he put that much effort into the Miami Dolphins, instead of the grand showmanship.  How often do you see Robert Kraft out there begging the league to bring a Super Bowl to Boston? Our Damien Williams should have been MVP.  While Patrick Mahomes was missing wide open receivers and throwing interceptions for most ofRead More →