Guess who?

Next time Pouncey needs time off for his hip, the team should take away his phone.



  1. Well I think we have all known for sometime what a piece of trash Pouncy was. To hear the way these guys talk is incredible. It actually makes Jay sound intelligent and that is no easy task!

  2. Damn Admin, you’re really scraping the bottom of the can for something to talk about.

    1. Author

      LOL, It’s February without much going on, so yes!

      But really, Mike Pouncey willingly associating with a convicted murderer…even if it’s only by phone. I just thought it was something you guys might be interested in, rather than the latest developments in a Branden Albert trade. zzzzzzzzz

      1. Well gee Admin, both Mike Pouncey and Aaron Hernandez both played college football at the University of Florida and won a BCS national championship there so they do have that in common.

        Would you ignore a call from one of your homies you’ve known for a long time because he called you from a prison?

  3. Wasn’t Pouncy doin ecstacy with Incognitabrain at the stripjoints?

    Both scum!!

  4. Comps picks have been announced. Dolphins received a 3rd and extra 5th as expected.

  5. Make that a 3rd and two 5th rounders.

    1. Author

      Thanks, Rick. i was looking for that news, and you beat me to it.
      A third and 2 fifths means we have a chance to draft 3 extra linebackers!! But they’ll waste it on more WRs like every year

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