Mr. Ross Will Not Tolerate a Weak Offense; Let’s Hope Philbin Learns His Lesson
The loss of Mike Sherman is a good start, but we’re unconvinced that Joe Philbin has learned any kind of lesson whatsoever. Let’s face it: Mike Sherman called terrible plays for the last two years and clearly deserved to lose his job. The Dolphins need a firey young play caller who can utilize the players much better. We need a play caller who will call a QB sneak now and then. Or a bootleg. Or a pitchout. Or a dozen other plays that were not in Mike Sherman’s book. So yes, it’s good that he is gone. But what remains truly TROUBLING is that Sherman’sRead More →
The Good and the Bad about the Firing of Mike Sherman
While it’s generally a good start to be rid of Mike “It Was The Right Call” Sherman, let’s not celebrate yet. You must remember that Sherman and his pal Joe Philbin have the same mindset when it comes to running an offense. So if Philbin gets rid of one Sherman, he is likely to replace him with another. Let’s hope not. Let’s hope Philbin sees the error in his ways and gets an aggressive OC in here to shake things up. It’s good that we got rid of an offensive coordinator who makes poor choices. But it’s bad that we’re still stuck with aRead More →
Mike Sherman Has Called his Last Play!
Finally, Mike Sherman has been fired! We commend Stephen Ross. We wish it would have worked out, but it simply didn’t. Sherman knows his X’s and O’s, but there was clearly something lacking. Let’s hope that Sherman’s son-in-law, who is still on the Dolphins’ payroll, is next to go. Mike Sherman enjoying a nap on the job. Read More →
The Longer the Wait, the Worse the News…
The longer Mr. Ross waits to fire someone, the worse it gets for the Dolphins and us fans. No one wants to see Mr. Ross make a rash decision that will come back to haunt us. But we don’t want this to linger either. What should be an easy decision is beginning to fester. And of course, the Miami media isn’t making it any better by reporting rumors and the old “A major decision is coming today” lies that they’ve repeated for 8 days now. We worry that Jeff Ireland or Joe Philbin is saying just the right things to keep his job.Read More →
Does Tannehill Have What it Takes?
You almost get envious after watching other QBs this weekend. Aaron Rodgers faked out the 49ers, the announcers, and the cameraman with his fake handoffs. Colin Kaepernik sees no one open and immediately runs for a first down. Phillip Rivers and Drew Brees did nothing spectacular, but they do it well and consistently and are proven winners. Andrew Luck and Alex Smith put up 89 points between them. Compare that to what Ryan Tannehill does, and you see a HUGE difference. One of the most overused cliches this year has been the coming of age of Ryan Tannehill. The maturing of Ryan Tannehill. How goodRead More →
Ten Answers that Mr. Ross Must DEMAND of Joe Philbin and Jeff Ireland
As the Miami Media and “anonymous” AP sources (i.e., cowards who claim to have inside info but won’t reveal their names) keep saying, Mr. Ross is about to make some decisions any day now. Of course, they’ve been saying this for a week, and nothing happens. Here at Dolphins Truth, we don’t take sides. We report objectively and look at the big picture. So rather than chanting “Fireland,” we suggest calling for some insight. There are TEN major answers that Stephen Ross must determine, and once he has those answers, he can then decide who stays and who goes. 1. Who was it that jettisonedRead More →
Remembering Reggie
Remembering Reggie Here’s a sadly nostalgic picture of Reggie Bush. This is not trick photography. There are no special effects. You are actually looking at a Dolphin running back with a defender BEHIND him. Chasing him. Wow, remember those days? But have no fear. SIP (Sherman-Ireland-Philbin) got rid of Reggie because Daniel Thomas and Lamar Miller were ready. Reggie has a thousand yards over the past 3 years. Never got hurt. Worked his tail off. Quite simply, he was the most Electrifying Dolphin since the days of Mercury Morris. But Joe Philbin thought that Mike Gillislee was better. SIP have proven themselves wrong yet again.Read More →
Mike Sherman Gives Another Free Victory to the Wrong Team
October 6: Mike Sherman Gives the Ravens a Breather, and then gives them a Free Victory. Remember our home loss vs. the Ravens, when we faced a 4th-and-forever in our own territory at the end of the game ? Tannehill completed a miracle pass to Gibson, which brought us into field goal range with over a minute left. OVER a minute left. The offense raced up the field. Baltimore was tired. Exhausted. Withering in the Miami sun. They had just been stung on a miraculously lucky completion, and their spirits were down. They had a bunch of guys on the field who were only outRead More →
Where Is Dion Jordan?
Where’s Dion Been? Is Dion Jordan Still on the Team? With a massive need at various offensive line positions and a questionable group of running backs, the genius triumvirate of SIP (Sherman, Ireland, and Philbin) decided to draft defense. Yes defense. THIRD overall pick is now THIRD-String. Wonderful mathematical correlation from the Genius Joey Philbin. It might not have been a terrible move if they would have drafted a defender in a position where we sorely needed it, such as in our secondary. Everyone except Philbin knows that Nolan Carroll and Rashad Jones are average at best and we need a MAJOR overhaul in theRead More →